Monday, October 27, 2008

holy month till exam!

start ur engine guys...there's no more time for warming up...
mcamner nih?
sebulan lg nk exm tp still living in the world of my own.
which is the la la la land...
waaa...nk kna study financial...
dgr jer 3 subjects tp nk dpt passing rate is like searching for a lost soul.
can i do it? hmmm...kalo blajar mayb.
dh lar al kisah d college x prnh hbs..
meeting.meeting.meeting. nyampah btol..ingt x der kerjo lain ke.?
ak juz study mlm jer,itupn ngn member2 di mcd pandan mewah.
i shud start doing past years exm rite now.
ckp je mmg x guna..kerja yg kna jalan.tol kn?
study smart.

its midnite.gtg.

"change now, change the future.."

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